About Interwoven
Welcome to Interwoven Therapy Collective. We're so glad you found us. Interwoven Therapy Collective, located in San Diego, California, offers holistic psychotherapy services both in-person and virtually for CA residents. Our therapists use a nervous system informed approach to therapy called Organic Intelligence. We specialize in helping individual adults nurture conscious & satisfying complex relationships with Self, others, & their spirituality. These adults want to create a consistent inner knowing of the reality that they're woven into the fabric of the universe, a knowing that translates to a more satisfying, connected, and complex life. We believe being disoriented from this inherent interconnectedness, which is often caused by nervous system dysregulation, is at the root of most mental health challenges. This means that this work can involve looking at our past relationships & nervous system conditioning while setting up the inner conditions to find more satisfying relationships in the present.
Individual Therapy
We work with individual adults who are looking to take the next step in feeling better and find wellbeing. We support adults to create new conditions for finding & maintaining more satisfying relationships with themselves, others, and/or spirituality. This means that we work with trauma, PTSD, anxiety, feeling stuck & purposeless, ADHD, performance difficulties, and so much more. Reach out to book a consultation to find out if we would be the right support for you!
Trauma Therapy
We work with adults who have experienced childhood trauma (also known as developmental trauma and adverse childhood experiences) and want to work with it in a different way than they may have tried before. Past pain can unfortunately leave a slew of old patterns, symptoms, and reactions that prevent us from having the love and inner peace we want. Learning how to manage those symptoms, like body tension, shame, fear, intrusive thoughts, and over-reactivity in relationships, is half the battle. But we want to help clients move beyond inhibiting and managing symptoms to freely living and being. There is such thing as post-traumatic growth.
Couples Therapy
We believe that so much of our individual healing happens in relationships and this belief is at the heart of our therapy work. Partnership is one way that can be optimized in such a way that the individuals in the dynamic can flourish. We work with couples ready to dig deep, to explore each of their personal responsibility, and to find the connection they want. This can look like exploring how division of labor is working, repairing past hurts, aligning communication, learning how to accept one another's personality and preferences, accommodate each other, and so much more. Couples therapy works best when both partners are equally as committed and engaged in the process-- if this is you, reach out to book a consultation to see how we can help!

A note from the founder -
Kyleigh Baker, LMFT
You are in the right place if you have tried traditional psychotherapy before and are looking for something more complex, integrative, and holistic in the next phase of your healing, especially in regards to finding and maintaining satisfying relationships with yourself, others, and spirituality.
The passion behind starting this group practice was galvanized by my own experiences in therapy. I had spent years gathering so much insight about my family patterns, romantic relationships, attachment style, and trauma. A lot of that insight was very helpful but it still left me wanting more.
I still found myself attracted to people I "knew" weren't good for me, I was still super reactive to family members, I was still short of breath in certain social situations. The insight didn't change everything. I knew WHY I was attracted to chaos, WHY I was reactive, and WHY I was anxious. But knowing why didn't solve the problem. My nervous system needed to transform. That's when I discovered Organic Intelligence, a nervous system approach to trauma healing, and my life has never been the same. That's not to say I'm never reactive, never drawn to chaos, or never anxious. But nervous system healing has drastically impacted the way I relate to myself, others, and the universe, and I want that for you too. It's not magical or fast, but it's beautiful.
"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." - Lao Tzu

Session Info
What is Nervous System Healing?
People often get confused at the idea of “nervous system healing” in therapy. It’s nothing scary or majorly different than what talk therapy actually looks like. We don’t currently use touch or big movements as part of the therapeutic process. The major difference between typical therapy and what we do is what the therapist is paying the most attention to, and therefore reinforcing, which is informed by a complexity science lens (taught to us by the modality called Organic Intelligence). Being a human is extremely complex, and yet, finding joy and ease is sometimes pretty simple. The process usually includes mindfulness, self-compassion, self-responsibility, and, when appropriate and feels easeful, trauma processing.
The rate to see Kyleigh: $200
The rate to see an Associate Therapist: $160
A sliding scale is available on a case by case basis for financial need. Please inquire!
For therapy clients: we are out-of-network providers for PPO insurance and can, therefore, provide you a receipt called a "superbill" to send to your insurance directly for reimbursement. We do not interact with insurance providers. Questions to consider asking your PPO insurance regarding coverage:
Does my plan provide out-of-network reimbursement for mental health?
Is there a deductible I need to meet before you will start to reimburse me?
How many sessions per year does my health insurance cover?
What percentage of the fee do I cover?
For coaching clients: unfortunately, insurance does not cover life coaching.
Coaching vs. Therapy
Kyleigh Baker is a licensed mental health professional (LMFT) who also provides life coaching, which is a distinct discipline, for relationship improvement, personality development, and personal/career goals. The difference between coaching and counseling is primarily that coaching focuses on your performance in various areas of life, improving your life in the here-and-now with goals to increase your capacity, relationship enjoyment, communication, and other relational skills. Counseling/therapy tends to use more of the past in the pursuit of reducing symptoms related to mental health and wellbeing. Counseling also allows more explicit work with trauma and childhood-related wounds, while coaching is not permitted to do so. There is crossover between the two disciplines, but they are distinct in their focuses. If you have questions about which is right for you, contact us for a free 15-minute consultation.
Forms & Paperwork
You can find all of your forms in your online portal at Simple Practice found in the link in your email. You can also access monthly Superbills there.
Cancellation Policy
We require a 24-hour notice, at minimum, to cancel or reschedule your appointment or you are responsible to pay the full fee. This policy is standard in the field of psychotherapy as we really want to have enough time to invite another client who may be in active need of support to take that unused appointment time.
We are available for both in-person and Zoom appointments for therapy clients who reside in California.
Coaching is available for clients who reside anywhere.
Disclaimer for Good Faith Estimate from No Surprises Act
Under Section 2799B-6 of the Public Health Service Act, health care providers are required to inform individuals who are not enrolled in a plan or coverage or a Federal health care program, or not seeking to a claim with their plan or coverage both orally and in writing of their ability, upon request or at the time of scheduling any non-emergency healthcare services, to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” (GFE) of expected charges. The GFE shows the expected costs of psychotherapy services provided by Interwoven that are reasonably expected based on the information known at the time the estimate is created. It does not take into account any reimbursement that you may receive separately as a result of out of network benefits. The GFE does not include any unknown or unexpected costs that may arise during treatment. You could be charged more if special circumstances occur. If you are billed for $400 or more than your GFE without discussion, you have the right to dispute the bill. In this case, you may contact Kyleigh Baker, Owner & Clinical Director of Interwoven.